Sunday, February 8, 2009

Responses from Coop Members about trial milk

The families selected to participate in the Milk Trail with products from 3 different were folks who had contacted me with concerned about the taste of Cows R Us milk. When each of these families picked up milk on January 17, they were asked to take at least 1 gallon from each dairy.

Within 24 hours, we had an 80 percent feedback. A few of the families did a blind taste test with all three products. Everyone reporting in stated they liked the taste of Harmony best, followed by Cows R Us with Milky Way coming in as a distant third. Our family also found we liked the taste of Harmony best but thought Cows R Us was a very close second; Milky Way ... well that milk ended up being used for pudding. Two gallons makes a lot of pudding.

Based on the feedback we had received, it was decided that each coop members would get 1/2 their January 31st milk pick up from Harmony and the other half from Cows R Us. Approximately a day later, I received an email from a woman whose name I did not recognize. In her email she reference a coop member's name and she were "sharing" milk and both of them agreed that Cows R Us milk tasted better and lasted longer. Okay ~ who the heck is this person, how did she get Harmony Milk, and what exactly does "sharing" the milk mean? After a couple of emails, I discovered we had a coop members who was buying milk through our coop for 3 families: her and 2 others. This was a member who also had not driven yet as well ~ how unfair is this when throughout the fall I was in desperate need for drivers!

I emailed the woman back along with including the coop member as a CC to the email stating this arrangement between these three families was not cool with our coop. HOWEVER, at this time, I could not deal with this "problem" but I would revisit it after the coop voted on which Dairy would be our supplier. The coop member responded stating they do whatever it took to make it right. Hmmmmm ... people sure can be bothersome!

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